executive creative director & Tony Award winning producer of Broadway, movies & television

Recognized Creative Director

Adrian creative directs award winning marketing assets that are aesthetically compelling and drive engagement. Aligning stakeholders, creative talent, marketers and agencies around shared goals, Adrian has a deep understanding of current and emerging media, talent, and popular culture driven landscapes.

"Adrian's expert creative direction guides teams in the development, production and implementation of top of mind marketing assets that surprise and delight consumers."

- Sarah Scannell

Head of Creative Marketing & Strategy

Prime Video

"Adrian is one of the most original thinkers I know. He has exceptional taste and is regularly my first call when a project comes across my desk".

- Jenny Steingart

Producer & Co-founder
Ars Nova

"Adrian is a supercatalyst linking creative people and projects with the capital to get their work made and seen”.

- Sandi DuBowski

Award Winning Director
& Producer

Award Winning PRODUCER

Over twenty years developing, financing and producing for the stage and screen in the US, Canada and abroad.

Movie premieres at Cannes, TIFF and Tribeca. Series and streaming productions for Netflix, A&E, SonyTV, CBStv, and Disney.
Co-producer of over 10 plays & musicals on Broadway earning numerous nominations and a Tony Award for Hadestown.

"Adrian produced the first feature film I directed - his creativity, professional relationships and attention to detail were central to getting our movie made and released".

- Kyra Sedgwick

Director & Actor